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History-Sam Smith: To Find Print Materials Yourself

Library Catalog Search Help

You may use the TVCC Library Catalog to find print materials. Suggested instructions are as follows:

Choose the TVCC Library Catalog link located in the next column

Use the following terms for searching the Library Catalog:

In the Search box, choose the drop down of "words or phrase" Enter "history" in the first box.

In the Search box, choose the drop down of "words or phrase" Enter "biography or autobiography" in the first box.

In the Library box, choose Terrell

A Results List will be shown. Choose a book from that list that meets your assignment criteria. Not all books on the list will meet your assignment criteria. The call number will direct you to its location on the shelf. 

If you need assistance with call numbers, please see the person at the library desk.

Library Catalog Link

Library Catalog Sample Search Screen

Library Catalog Sample Results List