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History-Sam Smith: To Find Digital Materials Yourself

OverDrive Search Help

OverDrive is the platform used by TVCC to offer EBook and Audiobooks options to students

Choose OverDrive link located in the next column

Choose the Search button on the right side of the page. Then choose Advanced search

In the Subjects box, choose History

A Results page will be shown. Choose an EBook or Audiobook that meets your assignment criteria. Not all materials displayed will meet your assignment criteria.

Once you choose and item, you must Borrow it. To Borrow items, you will need to sign in. Your sign in, is your Cardinal ID and the password associated with it. 

If you need assistance with OverDrive, contact us

If you have questions about the materials meeting the requirements of this course, contact Mrs. Smith through Canvas Inbox.


OverDrive Help

Terrell Campus Library Hours

Fall and Spring Hours
Mon. - Fri.
8:00am - 4:30pm
Sat. - Sun.
Summer Hours
Mon. - Thurs.
8:00am - 5:00pm
Fri. - Sun.

OverDrive Link


OverDrive Search Screen 1

OverDrive Screen after you have chosen Search


OverDrive Search Screen 2

OverDrive Search Screen after you have chosen Advanced search and added History in the Subjects field

OverDrive Sample Results List